Sep 27, 2024  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog (As of 12-14-18) 
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog (As of 12-14-18) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Hospitality and Tourism Management

  • HTMT 244 Internship (1-3)

    The purpose of this course is for students to gain an entry level experience within the hospitality and tourism realm. Students will increase their exposure to and understanding of the hospitality and tourism industry and potential career paths to which they may work towards. The internship will be guided by a Learning Contract and academic components designed to enhance the student’s knowledge.
    Prerequisite(s): HTMT 210  
    Course Frequency: Fall and Spring
    Repeatable: For up to 3 credit hours.
  • HTMT 260 Special Topics in Hospitality & Tourism (1-3)

    An in-depth treatment of a current area of special concern within the field of hospitality and tourism.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Repeatable: May be repeated for credit when course content varies.
  • HTMT 310 Current Topics in Hospitality and Tourism Management (1-3)

    The purpose of the course is to explore current advanced issues related to the hospitality and tourism industries. Topics will vary depending on the course section and instructor’s particular professional expertise. Students can take this course for up to six credit hours, as long as the course content varies, and with permission of the department chair.
    Prerequisite(s): HTMT 210 , junior standing, or permission of the department chair
    Course Frequency: Fall and Spring
    Repeatable: For up to 6 credit hours.
  • HTMT 350 Hospitality & Tourism Marketing (3)

    This course examines how leading hospitality and tourism enterprises apply marketing principles to create and retain customers. Special attention is given to the timing, packaging, pricing, channels of distribution, advertising and personal selling functions of destination-marketing organizations and convention and meeting facilities.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing; HTMT 210 ; MKTG 302  or ARTM 370 ; or permission of instructor
    Course Frequency: Fall and Spring
  • HTMT 351 Hotel Management (3)

    This course examines hotel management issues emphasizing general management, service, sales, forecasting, financial aspects, rate efficiencies, labor management and guest relations.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing; HTMT 210  or permission of the instructor.
    Course Frequency: Fall and Spring
  • HTMT 352 Service Operations Management (3)

    This course focuses on the socio-technical systems of hospitality operations. Through cases, role-playing and computer simulations, students will be exposed to a variety of human relations skills (i.e., communications, negotiating and personal selling) as well as technical skills (i.e., yield management, CRS) required to manage successful “hi-tech hi-touch” businesses.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing; HTMT 210  or permission of the instructor.
    Course Frequency: Fall and Spring
  • HTMT 353 Hospitality Sales & Negotiations (3)

    Theory and practice of personal selling as used by hospitality and tourism organizations to develop long-term partnerships with customers with emphasis on marketing, planning, communications, presentation and negotiation skills.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing; HTMT 350  or MKTG 302 .
    Course Frequency: Fall
  • HTMT 354 Hospitality and Tourism Technology (3)

    This course examines theories and current trends in Internet marketing and information technology and teaches analytical skills with information systems, online marketing and social media management in the hospitality and tourism industry. It exposes the students to the dynamics of technological changes and how it significantly transforms this industry.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    Course Frequency: Spring
  • HTMT 355 Negotiations: Principles and Practices (3)

    The objective of this course is to learn an effective negotiation framework for doing business in a hospitality/tourism management context. The intent is to experientially develop one’s negotiation skills. Emphasis will be placed on negotiation case studies, exercises, and role-plays.
    Prerequisite(s): HTMT 352  or instructor permission
    Course Frequency: Spring
  • HTMT 360 Special Topics in Hospitality & Tourism (1-3)

    In-depth treatment of current areas of special concern within the field of business administration. A maximum of six hours of special topics courses may be applied toward the business major elective requirement.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing; other prerequisites depending on topic.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Repeatable: May be repeated for credit when course content varies.
  • HTMT 361 Meetings and Convention Management (3)

    This course is intended to serve as a comprehensive overview of the Meetings, Exhibitions, Events and Conventions (MEEC) industry. Learners will achieve a macro working knowledge of MEEC industry principles, practices, operations and management. Emphasis will be placed on both the supply and demand components of MEEC.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing; HTMT 210  or permission of the instructor; ACCT 203 .
    Course Frequency: Spring
  • HTMT 362 Events Management (3)

    This course focuses on the cultural origins and significance of celebration within society; an introduction to management of special events and festivals from initial planning through delivery; questions of event feasibility; costing and financial management; assessing and meeting communication objectives; merchandising and marketing; staffing and task analysis; safety and security; debriefing and evaluation.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing; ACCT 203 ; HTMT 210  or ARTM 200 ; or permission of the instructor.
    Course Frequency: Fall and Spring
    Cross-listing: ARTM 362  
  • HTMT 370 Foodservice Enterprise: Design & Development (3)

    This course explores conceptualization, design, and development of an independent foodservice enterprise. Responsible practice, current trends in menu design - theory, historical perspectives and sociological impact, recipe development strategies, beverage programs, sanitation, interior layout and flow, equipment alternatives, and technological opportunities are examined.
    Prerequisite(s): HTMT 210  and junior or senior standing.
    Course Frequency: Fall
  • HTMT 372 Foodservice Operations Analysis (3)

    This course investigates the distinctive operational foodservice setting in which both production and selling of perishable food and beverage products occurs concurrently. Students analyze and process internal systems for monitoring food and beverage revenue and expense, menu item sales mix, pricing strategies, purchasing policies, inventory control, and employee development.
    Prerequisite(s): HTMT 210  and junior or senior standing.
    Course Frequency: Spring
  • HTMT 380 Managing Global Tourism (3)

    This course examines tourism issues from a global perspective. Topics covered during this course include: international business practices (marketing, law and finance), managing diverse populations and sustainable development. The course will present opportunities to analyze and discuss multiple perspectives related to understanding and managing tourism businesses in a globalized environment.
    Prerequisite(s): HTMT 210 , ECON 200 , ACCT 203  or permission of the instructor.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • HTMT 399 Tutorial (3)

    Individual instruction given by a tutor in regularly scheduled meetings (usually once a week). The student must take the initiative in seeking a tutor to help in the design and supervision of the project. A maximum of six hours of tutorial courses may be applied toward the business major elective requirement.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing; permission of the tutor and the chair.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Repeatable: For up to 12 credit hours.
  • HTMT 420 Independent Study (3)

    The student will select a reading or research project in consultation with a faculty member, who will guide the work and determine the hours of credit to be allowed. A maximum of six hours of independent study courses may be applied toward the business major elective requirement.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing; written agreement with instructor and chair.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Repeatable: May be repeated for credit when course content varies.
  • HTMT 444 Hospitality Management Internship (3)

    A complementary source of learning and enhancement to the student’s academic program and career objectives through experiential education engaging the student in a unique three-way partnership between an approved hospitality partner, the university and the student. The overall unique learning experience will be guided by a Learning Contract, outlining specific work-related experiences and academic components designed to enhance the student’s knowledge. Finally, a series of regularly scheduled reflection and learning sessions conducted by faculty with support of industry leaders will be required. A maximum of three (3) hours of internship credit will be awarded.
    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing, declared major or minor or concentration in hospitality and tourism management; or permission of the instructor.
    Course Frequency: Fall and Spring
  • HTMT 488 Strategic Hospitality and Tourism Management (3)

    This course is the capstone course for the HTMT program. The course involves the integration and application of interdisciplinary management concepts, theories, and practices instrumental to management success within the hospitality and tourism industry.
    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing; ACCT 203 , ACCT 204 , DSCI 232 , ECON 200 , ECON 201 , FINC 303 , HTMT 210 , HTMT 352 , MGMT 301 , MKTG 302  
    Course Frequency: Fall and Spring
    Note: BLAW 205  and DSCI 320  are both recommended.
  • HTMT 499 Bachelor’s Essay (6)

    A year-long research and writing project completed during the senior year under the close supervision of a tutor from the school. The student must take the initiative in seeking a tutor to help in both the design and the supervision of the project. A project proposal must be submitted in writing and approved by the school prior to registration for the course.
    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing.
    Course Frequency: Occasional

Information Management

  • INFM 330 Enterprise Data Management (3)

    This course provides an introduction to the planning, design, and implementation of data management systems across the enterprise. Topics include data management strategy, data modeling, infrastructure design, query design, reporting, and visualization. Special emphasis will be placed on in-memory database systems, such as SAP HANA.
    Prerequisite(s): DSCI 320  
    Course Frequency: Fall
  • INFM 340 Innovation Technology (3)

    Students learn fundamental information technology concepts, processes and tools that drive business innovations resulting in local and distributed product and service solutions. Specifically, students will be introduced to solution design, prototyping, solution development and deployment, communication, and user-data analytics in in startup and growth companies. Students end the course with a technology portfolio of installed and cloud-based platforms and services. 
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 111  or MATH 250  or DSCI 232  or permission of instructor
    Course Frequency: Fall and Spring
    Restriction(s): Sections without restrictions are open to all students with the prerequisite. For sections that are paired with a program cohort, such as a cohort of ICAT, that section will be restricted to the cohort students by permission of instructor. 
    Note: This course is expected to be demand driven when taught as an indepdent elective course primarly for business majors. Additionally, one section of the course is expected to be offered each semester in support of the ICAT program. 
  • INFM 350 Business Analytics (3)

    This course will examine methods that have emerged from the field of business analytics and are proven to have value in the areas of forecasting, classification, and association. This class provides the opportunity to gain knowledge and hands-on experience with algorithms and technology tools for business analytics.
    Prerequisite(s): DATA 101 DSCI 232  
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • INFM 360 Special Topics in Information Management (3)

    This course presents a range of advanced topics information management providing a solid foundation of the theory and application of information management techniques and practices for which no regular course is offered.   A maximum of 6 credit hours of special topics courses may be applied toward the business major elective requirement.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or permission of the instructor
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Repeatable: May be repeated for credit when course content varies.
  • INFM 390 Enterprise Resource Planning (3)

    This course analyzes the conceptual and technological dimensions of Enterprise Resource Planning, emphasizing the integration between enterprise systems, data, and business processes within and across enterprises.
    Prerequisite(s): DSCI 320  
    Course Frequency: Spring

International Business

  • INTB 260 Special Topics in International Business (1-3)

    An in-depth treatment of a current area of special concern within the field of international business.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or permission of instructor.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Repeatable: For up to 6 credit hours.
  • INTB 309 International Business Study Abroad (3)

    This is an interdisciplinary, study abroad travel course that introduces students to the cultural, economic and business environment in international markets. Through study tours, visits, collaborative academic activities in international markets, we examine the most significant cultural and socioeconomic environment and trends in international markets, as well as the implications for U.S. firms doing business in the international markets.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of the instructor
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Cross-listing: MKTG 309  
  • INTB 313 Global Commerce and Enterprise (3)

    This course is an in-depth exploration of global commerce and the specific mechanisms and tools used in global enterprise. Students will learn principles and practices of trade and how to identify and analyze trade data, trade opportunities, and challenges. The focus is on how to take a firm global.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • INTB 314 Global Operations & Technology Management (3)

    This course teaches students how to use new technologies to manage the business enterprise and the global supply chain for competitive advantage. The course integrates the control of manufacturing and service operations utilizing emerging technologies to optimize business process and supply chains. Students use a variety of software packages to solve business problems. In addition, the latest theories of technology and knowledge management are used to place technological innovation in a strategic and global perspective.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing; DSCI 232 , MGMT 301 , MATH 104  or MATH 250 , MATH 105  or MATH 120 .
    Course Frequency: Fall and Spring
  • INTB 322 International Business (3)

    A study of the environment and operations of international business with emphasis on the nature and scope of international business, the framework of international trade transactions, the nation-state and international business, assessing national environments and managing the multinational enterprise.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing, ECON 200 , ECON 201  
    Course Frequency: Fall and Spring
  • INTB 344 International Business Internship (3)

    An internship is a supplemental source of learning designed to enhance the student’s academic program and career objectives. The learning experience is a 3-way partnership and is guided by a learning contract outlining specific work and academic components.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing and International Business Program Director permission
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • INTB 360 Special Topics in International Business (1-3)

    An in-depth treatment of a current area of special concern within the field of international business.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Repeatable: For up to 6 credit hours.
  • INTB 390 International Social Enterprise and Development (3)

    The International Social Enterprise and Development (ISED) course will introduce students to the development, planning and managing of social enterprises. Students will have practical experience in a social enterprise and a full cultural immersion in a different country. Prior approval of the ISED proposal is required before course registration.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing and instructor permission
    Course Frequency: Spring
  • INTB 409 Global Strategic Management (3)

    In this course, students will learn about competing in the global economy. They will be exposed to different corporate structures, philosophies, and business methods existing in both developed and underdeveloped countries. Students, working in teams of two or three, will analyze case studies and identify strengths and weaknesses of various companies. Having completed their analysis, students will then suggest policies to solve company problems or take advantage of promising opportunities.
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 203 , ACCT 204 , DSCI 232 , ECON 200 , ECON 201 , FINC 303 , INTB 314 , MGMT 301 , MKTG 302 , MKTG 326 , MATH 104  and MATH 105 ; senior standing.
    Course Frequency: Fall and Spring
  • INTB 420 Independent Study in International Business (1-3)

    The student will select a reading or research project in consultation with a faculty member, who will guide the work and determine hours of credit to be allowed. A maximum of six credit hours of independent study may be applied toward the international business major elective requirement.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing; instructor and chair permission
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Repeatable: For up to 6 credit hours.
  • INTB 499 Bachelor’s Essay (6)

    This is a year-long research and writing project completed during the senior year of Honors students majoring in International Business under close supervision of a tutor from the school. A project proposal must be submitted in writing and approved by the faculty prior to registration for the course.
    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing; Honors student with declared International Business major
    Course Frequency: Occasional

International Studies

  • INTL 100 Introduction to International Studies (3)

    This course introduces a base of knowledge, analytical skills, and a vocabulary of concepts useful for understanding the multi-dimensional concerns of International Studies. Through an examination of international politics, economics, society, history, literature, and environment, this course will enhance the student’s appreciation for an International Studies approach to issues associated with global development.
    Course Frequency: Fall and Spring
  • INTL 120 Economics of Globalization (3)

    This course introduces topics surrounding economic globalization. It examines the historic and current economic causes and consequences of global integration. Topics include history of globalization, the role of international trade, post-WWII global monetary system and financial integration. It evaluates the arguments on both sides of the globalization debate as well as globalization’s effects on domestic economies and policies, labor markets, production, and on the environment (among other topics).
    Course Frequency: Fall
  • INTL 290 Special Topics in International Studies (3)

    Basic introductory examination of a specialized topic in International Studies. Specific topic will be listed with the course title when offered.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Repeatable: May be repeated for credit when course content varies.
  • INTL 291 Special Topics in International Studies (3)

    Basic introductory examination of a specialized topic in International Studies from the perspective of multiple disciplines in the humanities. Specific topic will be listed with the course title when offered.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Restriction(s): Students may be able to use this course for credit in the concentration depending upon the content of the course. Specific restrictions will be published in the course description of each special topics course.
  • INTL 300 Comparative Methodology in International Studies (1)

    This course is designed to give International Studies majors a formal base in international comparative methodology and provide a means for weaving together the various disciplinary perspectives encountered in the multidisciplinary IS curriculum.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • INTL 350 Cross Regional Studies (3)

    Recognizing that discrete knowledge of specific local conditions, nation states or regional areas alone are not sufficient to grasp the broader trends and relationships that connect them, cross-regional study seeks to throw attention on the factors that operate simultaneously and synchronously at those levels. Cross regional study courses will thematically examine the links between these levels of analysis that are manifested in the phenomenon we call globalization.


    Prerequisite(s): INTL 100  or HONS 173  or permission of the instructor
    Course Frequency: Fall and Spring
    Repeatable: For up to 6 credit hours.

  • INTL 390 Special Topics in International Studies (3)

    Intensive examination of a specialized topic in International Studies. Specific topic will be listed with the course title when offered.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Repeatable: May be repeated for credit when course content varies.
  • INTL 400 Independent Study in International Studies (1-3)

    This course is designed for the student seeking to do specialized reading and/or research in a topic in International Studies.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Repeatable: May be repeated for credit when course content varies.
  • INTL 401 Internship in International Studies (1-6)

    An opportunity for students to gain practical experience through supervised field placement in projects related to International Studies. Placement may be made in a non-US location or in the US in an international organization such as the UN or OAS, government agency such as the State Department, or international NGO or research institution. Students will be expected to produce specific assignments that reflect agreed-upon learning goals under the direction of a program faculty member.
    Prerequisite(s): INTL 100  and at least nine additional hours of INTL program courses at the 200 or 300 level. The student must have at least sophomore standing, be in good academic standing, and have the permission of the INTL director and the student’s concentration.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • INTL 495 International Studies Capstone (3)

    The International Studies Capstone provides IS majors with a culminating integrative experience at the end of the major. Students from the various concentrations will come together to explore and analyze a major international event, problem or phenomenon, sharing the perspectives and tools they have gained in their diverse studies.
    Prerequisite(s): International Studies majors with 24 earned hours in the major.
    Course Frequency: Fall and Spring
  • INTL 499 Bachelor’s Essay (6)

    The Bachelor’s Essay is a year-long research and writing project done during the senior year under close supervision of a tutor from the program. The student must take the initiative in seeking a tutor to help in both the design and supervision of the project. A project proposal must be submitted in writing and approved by the program faculty prior to registration for the course. The International Studies bachelor essay project must be interdisciplinary.
    Prerequisite(s): INTL major.
    Course Frequency: Occasional

International Studies - Europe

  • INEU 101 Introduction to Europe (3)

    The course is an interdisciplinary introduction to Europe through an examination of history, geography, literature, politics, and economics. The topics will range from historical foundations of Europe to the important contemporary issues and trends. Faculty with expertise in various aspects of Europe will participate in teaching the course.
    Course Frequency: Fall and Spring

Irish and Irish American Studies

  • IIAS 201 Introduction to Irish and Irish American Studies (3)

    An inter-disciplinary introduction to the Irish in Ireland and in North America, focusing on migrations of people and cultures into and out of Ireland since the Stone Age; the prominent political movements since 1798; and the current sociological profile of people living in Ireland and people of Irish extraction living in America.
    Course Frequency: Spring
  • IIAS 304 Special Topics in Irish and Irish American Studies (3)

    A study of an Irish or Irish American topic. May be repeated when topics vary. No more than 9 credit hours may be applied to the Irish and Irish American Studies minor.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Repeatable: For up to 9 credit hours.


  • ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (3)

    Introduces the fundamental structure of Italian with emphasis on acquisition of the basic language skills, reading and listening comprehension, and oral and written expression.
    Prerequisite(s): Open only to beginning students of Italian.
    Course Frequency: Fall and Spring
  • ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (3)

    Introduces the fundamental structure of Italian with emphasis on acquisition of the basic language skills, reading and listening comprehension, and oral and written expression.
    Prerequisite(s): ITAL 101  or placement.
    Course Frequency: Fall and Spring
  • ITAL 201 Intermediate Italian (3)

    Develops a basic proficiency in Italian and familiarity with Italian culture through practice in the use of the basic language skills and acquisition of vocabulary.
    Prerequisite(s): ITAL 102  or placement.
    Course Frequency: Fall and Spring
  • ITAL 202 Intermediate Italian (3)

    Develops a basic proficiency in Italian and familiarity with Italian culture through practice in the use of the basic language skills and acquisition of vocabulary.
    Prerequisite(s): ITAL 201  or placement.
    Course Frequency: Fall and Spring
  • ITAL 313 Italian Conversation and Composition I (3)

    Provides intensive practice in the written and spoken language while introducing contemporary cultural materials.
    Prerequisite(s): ITAL 202  or placement, or permission of the instructor.
    Course Frequency: Fall
  • ITAL 314 Italian Conversation and Composition II (3)

    Provides intensive practice in the written and spoken language while introducing contemporary cultural materials.
    Prerequisite(s): ITAL 202  or placement, or permission of the instructor.
    Course Frequency: Spring
  • ITAL 328 Italian Language Study Abroad (3)

    Designed to develop confidence in communicative skills and greater facility in dealing with ideas in Italian through study in Italy.
    Prerequisite(s): ITAL 202  or placement or permission of the instructor
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • ITAL 329 Current Issues Abroad (3)

    A study of the most important current political, socio-economic and cultural issues in the country visited. Information from the communications media (newspapers, magazines, TV, etc.) will be used and discussed whenever possible.
    Prerequisite(s): ITAL 202  or placement or permission of the instructor
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • ITAL 361 Survey of Italian Literature I (3)

    Italian literature studied from its origins to the 18th century.
    Prerequisite(s): ITAL 202  or permission of the instructor.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • ITAL 362 Survey of Italian Literature II (3)

    A continuation of ITAL 361 . Italian literature from the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century.
    Prerequisite(s): ITAL 202  or permission of the instructor.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • ITAL 390 Special Topics in Italian (3)

    Intensive study of a particular subject or theme. (Specific topics will be listed in the Schedule of Courses when offered; e.g., Italian Contemporary Narrative.)
    Prerequisite(s): ITAL 202  or permission of the instructor
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Repeatable: For up to 9 credit hours.
  • ITAL 452 20th-Century Italian Literature (3)

    A study of the major works of the 20th-century Italian literature.
    Prerequisite(s): ITAL 313  or ITAL 314 , or permission of the instructor.
    Course Frequency: Occasional

Italian Literature in Translation

  • LTIT 250 Italian Literature in (English) Translation (3)

    Study of selected works, representing major literary periods and genres, which illuminate another language and culture or era of a shared human condition.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • LTIT 270 Introduction to Italian Cinema (3)

    This course is a survey of Italian cinema from WWII to the present. Genres such as Neorealism, Italian-style comedy, the spaghetti western and political cinema, which reflect and comment on the cultural, social and political realities of Italy, will be analyzed historically and stylistically.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • LTIT 350 Italian Literature in (English) Translation (3)

    Study of selected works by an author whose influence is felt in the world at large.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • LTIT 370 Studies in Italian Cinema (3)

    This course will explore various aspects of Italian Cinema, one topic at a time. Topics will rotate from semester to semester and include New Italian Cinema, cinematic treatment of South Italy, Italian-American cinema, and politics and ideology in Italian Cinema.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • LTIT 450 Italian Literature in (English) Translation (3)

    A study of selected works by major authors representing different cultures with emphasis on common themes as viewed from the perspectives of these writers.
    Course Frequency: Occasional

Italian Studies

  • ITST 390 Special Topics in Italian Cultural Studies (In English) (3)

    Intensive study of a particular subject or theme; the course content will always be cultural. (Specific topics will be listed in the Schedule of Course when offered; e.g., Italian Culture Study.)
    Prerequisite(s): ITAL 202  or permission of the instructor
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Repeatable: For up to 9 credit hours.


  • JPNS 101 Elementary Japanese (4)

    Introduces the fundamental structures of Japanese with emphasis on acquisition of listening comprehension and oral expression. Introduction to the writing and reading of Japanese characters.
    Prerequisite(s): Open to beginning students of Japanese.
    Course Frequency: Fall
  • JPNS 101C Elementary Japanese Conversation Supplement (1)

    An optional one-hour weekly session for intensive listening-speaking practice in Japanese using vocabulary and grammatical structures presented in the corresponding course.
    Co-requisite(s): JPNS 101  
    Course Frequency: Fall
    Note: A “C” course may be taken only in conjunction with the basic sequence course in which the student currently enrolled. Credit may not be applied to fulfill the language requirement nor may it count toward the Minor in Asian Studies or Japanese Studies or the Asian Concentration in International Studies.
  • JPNS 102 Elementary Japanese (4)

    Introduces the fundamental structures of Japanese with emphasis on acquisition of listening comprehension and oral expression. Introduction to the writing and reading of Japanese characters.
    Prerequisite(s): JPNS 101  or placement.
    Course Frequency: Spring
  • JPNS 102C Elementary Japanese Conversation Supplement (1)

    An optional one-hour weekly session for intensive listening-speaking practice in Japanese using vocabulary and grammatical structures presented in the corresponding course.
    Co-requisite(s): JPNS 102  
    Course Frequency: Spring
    Note: A “C” course may be taken only in conjunction with the basic sequence course in which the student currently enrolled. Credit may not be applied to fulfill the language requirement nor may it count toward the Minor in Asian Studies or Japanese Studies or the Asian Concentration in International Studies.
  • JPNS 201 Intermediate Japanese (4)

    Develops a proficiency in Japanese and familiarity with Japanese culture through practice in the use of the basic language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and acquisition of vocabulary.
    Prerequisite(s): JPNS 102  or placement.
    Course Frequency: Fall
  • JPNS 201C Intermediate Japanese Conversation Supplement (1)

    An optional one-hour weekly session for intensive listening-speaking practice in Japanese using vocabulary and grammatical structures presented in the corresponding course.
    Co-requisite(s): JPNS 201  
    Course Frequency: Fall
    Note: A “C” course may be taken only in conjunction with the basic sequence course in which the student currently enrolled. Credit may not be applied to fulfill the language requirement nor may it count toward the Minor in Asian Studies or Japanese Studies or the Asian Concentration in International Studies.
  • JPNS 202 Intermediate Japanese (4)

    Develops a proficiency in Japanese and familiarity with Japanese culture through practice in the use of the basic language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and acquisition of vocabulary.
    Prerequisite(s): JPNS 201  or placement.
    Course Frequency: Spring
  • JPNS 202C Intermediate Japanese Conversation Supplement (1)

    An optional one-hour weekly session for intensive listening-speaking practice in Japanese using vocabulary and grammatical structures presented in the corresponding course.
    Co-requisite(s): JPNS 202  
    Course Frequency: Spring
    Note: A “C” course may be taken only in conjunction with the basic sequence course in which the student currently enrolled. Credit may not be applied to fulfill the language requirement nor may it count toward the Minor in Asian Studies or Japanese Studies or the Asian Concentration in International Studies.
  • JPNS 313 Japanese Conversation and Composition I (3)

    Strengthens the development of communication skills in Japanese, while introducing the culture that shapes the people of Japan. Attention will be given to various writing styles and achievement of them by regularly assigned compositions.
    Prerequisite(s): JPNS 202  or placement.
    Course Frequency: Fall
  • JPNS 314 Japanese Conversation and Composition II (3)

    Strengthens the development of communication skills in Japanese, while introducing the culture that shapes the people of Japan. Attention will be given to various writing styles and achievement of them by regularly assigned compositions.
    Prerequisite(s): JPNS 313  or placement.
    Course Frequency: Spring
  • JPNS 343 Advanced Japanese Conversation and Composition (3)

    Advanced study of Japanese that provides intensive practice in the spoken and written language. Students will be exposed to a wide range of functional skills as well as sociocultural information necessary for smooth communication in Japanese. Special emphasis is put on vocabulary and grammar used to express different levels of politeness.
    Prerequisite(s): JPNS 314  or permission of the instructor.
    Course Frequency: Fall
  • JPNS 390 Special Topics (3)

    Prerequisite(s): JPNS 202  or placement or permission of the instructor
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Repeatable: May be repeated for credit when course content varies.
  • JPNS 496 Independent Study (1-3)

    Individually-supervised course focusing on speech, reading, and/or writing. The specific topic will be determined in consultation with the instructor, who will guide the work and determine the number of credit hours to be assigned.
    Prerequisite(s): JPNS 202   or placement or permission of the instructor
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Repeatable: For up to 6 credit hours.

Japanese Literature in Translation

  • LTJP 250 Japanese Literature in (English) Translation (3)

    Study of selected works, representing major literary periods and genres, which illuminate another language and culture or era of a shared human condition.
    Course Frequency: Fall
  • LTJP 350 Japanese Literature in (English) Translation (3)

    Study of selected works by an author whose influence is felt in the world at large.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • LTJP 390 Special Topics (3)

    The course introduces students to a selection of major Japanese novels in English translation and examines and analyzes their historical, social and cultural context.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Repeatable: For up to 12 credit hours.
  • LTJP 450 Japanese Literature in (English) Translation: Comparative Literature (3)

    Study of selected works by major authors representing different cultures with emphasis on common themes as viewed from the perspectives of these writers.
    Course Frequency: Occasional

Jewish Studies

  • JWST 200 The Jewish Tradition (3)

    A multidisciplinary introduction to the history, beliefs, practices and institutions of the Jewish tradition, from its biblical foundations to the modern state of Israel.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Cross-listing: RELS 225  
  • JWST 210 Jewish History I: Ancient to Modern (3)

    A survey of the social, economic, religious, and political experience of the Jewish people in the pre-modern world, emphasizing the diversity of the Jewish experience and the interaction between Jews and their surrounding environments.
    Course Frequency: Spring
  • JWST 215 Jewish History II: Modern to Present (3)

    A survey of the social, economic, religious, and political experience of the Jewish people in the modern world, emphasizing the diversity of the Jewish experience and the interaction between Jews and their surrounding environments.
    Course Frequency: Fall
  • JWST 220 History of Israel (3)

    A history of the modern state of Israel from its conception in the Zionist movement to the present. Topics will include the political and cultural development of the nation, its relationship to religion and to the Jewish Diaspora, and its conflicts with the surrounding Arab states and with the Palestinians.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • JWST 230 The Holocaust (3)

    A historical examination of the genocide carried out in Nazi Germany from 1933-1945: its causes, its specific operation, its relation to other forms of political violence, and its significance for Jewish and non-Jewish understandings of politics, history and the nature of evil.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • JWST 240 Jewish Philosophy (3)

    A historical survey of some major philosophical themes and debates within the Jewish tradition. Readings will be drawn from biblical, rabbinic, medieval and modern sources. Texts and authors may include Job, Ecclesiastes, Pirke Avot, Philo, Maimonides, Spinoza, Mendelssohn, Rosenzweig, Buber and Levinas.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • JWST 245 Introduction to Jewish-American Literature (3)

    An introduction to Jewish-American literature from the 20th century to the present.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Cross-listing: ENGL 191  
  • JWST 300 Special Topics in Jewish Studies (3)

    An examination of an area in Jewish studies for which no regular course is offered. The course may be repeated for credit if the content is different. The specific topic will be listed when the course is offered.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Repeatable: For up to 12 credit hours.
  • JWST 305 Israeli Cinema (3)

    A study of Israeli cinema in the context of Zionism and Judaism, including the establishment of the state, its ethnic, gender, religious, and sexual diversity, the Holocaust, and the Palestinian conflict. We consider responses to the dreams and realities of Israel, formal techniques, and tensions between art, ideology, and money.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • JWST 310 Topics in Jewish History (3)

    Intensive study of a particular period or theme in Jewish history. The specific topic will vary; the course can be repeated for credit if the topic is different.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Repeatable: May be repeated for credit when course content varies.
  • JWST 315 Southern Jewish History (3)

    A study of the Jewish experience in the South from the colonial period to the present. Themes include the Jewish encounter with race and racism, the experience of Jewish women, the nature of Southern anti-Semitism, and whether the case of Charleston reflects the broader narrative of Southern Jewish history.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • JWST 320 Topics in American Jewish Culture (3)

    Examination of a dimension of the material and/or artistic culture of Jews as an ethnic group in the United States. Topics might include residential, economic, communal, and/or religious organization; architecture, literature, or film. The specific topic will vary; course can be repeated for credit if the topic is different.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
    Repeatable: May be repeated for credit when course content varies.
  • JWST 325 Jewish Mysticism (3)

    A study of the major forms of Jewish mysticism, particularly Kabbala - the dominant expression of Jewish mysticism since the 13th century - and its modern manifestations in the Hasidic movement. Readings include both secondary and primary sources, in English translation.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • JWST 330 Representations of the Holocaust (3)

    An examination of the ways the Holocaust has been represented in memoir, literature, and/or film. Special attention will be paid to the difficulty of representing the uniqueness and distinctive evil of this historical event.
    Course Frequency: Occasional
  • JWST 335 Modern Jewish Politics (3)

    An examination of Jewish political movements in modern Europe, the United States, and Israel.
    Course Frequency: Occasional

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