Liberal Arts and Sciences General Education Requirements
Consistent with its heritage since its founding in 1770, the College of Charleston retains a strong liberal arts undergraduate general education curriculum. The Liberal Arts and Sciences General Education requirement serves all students, regardless of major, and assures that students are exposed to a breadth of intellectual inquiry distributed across seven areas of the curriculum: History, Humanities, Mathematics and Logic, Foreign Language, Natural Science, Social Science, and Writing. The general education program emphasizes acquisition of knowledge, communication and languages, analysis, explanation and problem-solving. Faculty have defined specific learning outcomes for each of the distribution areas. The fields of knowledge reflected in the College’s seven general education distribution areas draw nearly equally from two dominant models: the mid-twentieth century “core distribution areas” (humanities, social science, natural science, and later mathematics) and the “traditional liberal arts” originating in a classical curriculum (literature, history, philosophy, and foreign languages).
The College’s general education distribution requirement provides a measure of structure by specifying which fields of learning every student must include, but allows each student the flexibility to select specific courses from among those approved for inclusion in each of the seven distribution areas. General education courses are designed to provide students with a solid foundation for further study as well as allow for intellectual exploration within the liberal arts and sciences. General education coursework in the liberal arts and sciences is an essential part of each undergraduate’s education at the College of Charleston.
Students must fulfill the general education requirements in effect at the time of their matriculation at the College of Charleston. Matriculation is defined as the first term of degree seeking enrollment or first term of readmission at the College. The general education requirements catalog year remains fixed during the period of time a student is continuously enrolled.
Each year faculty review courses that satisfy general education degree requirements. They may make course additions or deletions. Please consult course lists in future catalogs and/or your degree audit in Degree Works.
All undergraduate A.B., B.A., B.G.S., and B.S. degrees require students to complete the following General Education Requirements:
*English 101 and 102 are not offered by the College of Charleston but continue to be available through approved transfer credit [Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or Transfer (TR)]. **In certain limited cases, students may apply for an exemption from the first-year writing requirement by using a combination of AP scores, IB evidence, or transfer credit and submission of a portfolio of writing. Click English portfolio review process for details. Note: Students are expected to complete the first-year writing requirement within the first year of enrollment.
Foreign Languages, Classical or Modern
Student Learning Outcomes 1: Students will read languages other than English. 2: Students will write languages other than English. 3: Students understand languages other than English. 4: Students use their knowledge of languages other than English to analyze the perspectives of historical and/or modern cultures that can be obtained only through reading and/or listening to that language. Complete the 202-level or its equivalent or demonstrate proficiency at that level of an approved course satisfying the foreign language general education requirement. Approved Courses Note:
For Native Speakers of Languages Other Than English: A student whose native language is not English but who has received formal instruction or can demonstrate a high level of literacy in his or her first language, may be exempted from the general education requirement for language study. Such students must still complete a minimum of 122 credit hours to earn a degree. For more information, contact the Associate Dean of the School of Languages, Cultures, and World Affairs.
Student Learning Outcomes 1: Students demonstrate knowledge of history and awareness of the historical experience. 2: Students situate primary historical documents in their context and use sources to construct historical arguments. Complete one course in pre-modern history and one course in modern history from the list of approved courses satisfying the history general education requirement (6 credit hours). The two courses do not have to be taken from the same department or in sequence. Approved Courses Note:
*History 101 and 102 are not offered by the College of Charleston but continue to be available through approved transfer credit.
Student Learning Outcomes 1: Students analyze how ideas are represented, interpreted or valued in various expressions of human culture. 2: Students examine relevant primary source materials as understood by the humanities area under study and interpret the material in writing assignments (or alternatives that require equally coherent and sustained analysis). Complete 12 credit hours from the list of approved courses satisfying the humanities general education requirement with no more than 6 credit hours from the same course acronym. Approved Courses - AAST 200 Introduction to African American Studies (3)
- AAST 315 Black Women Writers (3)
- AFST 101 Introduction to African Studies (3)
- AFST 202 Special Topics in African Studies (3)
- ARST 100 Introduction to Arab and Islamic World Studies (3)
- ARST 240 Special Topics in Arabic Studies (3)
- ARST 273 Role of Qur’an in Contemporary Islam (3)
- ARST 340 Special Topics in Arabic Studies (3)
- ARTH 101 History of Art: Prehistoric Through Medieval (3)
- ARTH 102 History of Art: Renaissance Through Modern (3)
- ARTH 103 Asian Art and Architecture (3)
- ARTH 104 Themes in the History of Art (3)
- ARTH 105 Introduction to Architecture (3)
- ARTH 190 Special Topics in Art and Architectural History (3)
- ARTH 210 African Art (3)
- ARTH 214 Ancient Greek Art (3)
- ARTH 215 Ancient Roman Art (3)
- ARTH 222 History of Museums, Collecting and Museum Education (3)
- ARTH 225 Medieval Art (3)
- ARTH 231 Islamic Art and Architecture (3)
- ARTH 241 Art and Architecture of South Asia (3)
- ARTH 242 Art and Architecture of China (3)
- ARTH 243 Art and Architecture of Japan (3)
- ARTH 250 American Art (3)
- ARTH 260 Addlestone Seminar on the Arts and Culture of the Lowcountry (3)
- ARTH 261 Fine and Decorative Arts of Charleston (3)
- ARTH 263 History of Photography (3)
- ARTH 265 The City as a Work of Art (3)
- ARTH 275 The History of Land Design (3)
- ARTH 277 Renaissance Art (3)
- ARTH 278 Renaissance and Baroque Architecture (3)
- ARTH 280 History of Baroque Art (3)
- ARTH 285 Modern Art (3)
- ARTH 287 New Media in Contemporary Art (3)
- ARTH 290 Special Topics in Art and Architectural History (3)
- ARTH 294 City and Cinema (3)
- ASST 101 Introduction to Asian Studies (3)
- CHST 100 Chinese Civilization (3)
- CHST 240 Special Topics in Chinese Studies (3)
- CHST 270 Stories of Chinese Youth: Chinese Cinema (3)
- CHST 340 Special Topics in Chinese Studies (3)
- CLAS 101 Ancient Greek Civilization (3)
- CLAS 102 Roman Civilization (3)
- CLAS 103 Classical Mythology (3)
- CLAS 104 Introduction to Classical Archaeology (3)
- CLAS 200 Contemporary Research on the Mediterranean World (3)
- CLAS 203 Special Topics (3)
- CLAS 215 Slavery and Racism in Greece and Rome (3)
- CLAS 223 Aegean Prehistory (3)
- CLAS 225 The Archaeology of Athens (3)
- CLAS 226 The Archaeology of Rome (3)
- CLAS 242 Images of Women in the Classical World (3)
- CLAS 253 Epic (3)
- CLAS 254 Tragedy (3)
- CLAS 255 Comedy (3)
- CLAS 256 Satire (3)
- CLAS 270 The Classics in Cinema (3)
- CLAS 303 Topics in Classical Civilization (3)
- CLAS 320 State Formation in the Mediterranean World (3)
- CLAS 322 Mediterranean Landscapes (3)
- CLAS 324 Making, Movement, and Markets in the Mediterranean World (3)
- CLAS 343 Luxury and Status in Ancient Rome (3)
- CLAS 345 Love, Beauty, and Sexuality in the Greco-Roman World (3)
- CLAS 356 Ancient Roman Letters (3)
- DANC 150 Dance Appreciation (3)
- DANC 290 Special Topics in Dance (1-3)
- DANC 330 History of Non-Western Dance (3)
- DANC 331 History of Western Dance (3)
- DCSP 350 Democracy, Culture, and the Arts (3)
- EDFS 201 Foundations of Education (3)
- ENGL 190 Introductory Special Topics (3)
- ENGL 191 Introduction to Jewish-American Literature (3)
- ENGL 201 British Literature to 1800 (3)
- ENGL 202 British Literature since 1800 (3)
- ENGL 207 American Literature to the Present (3)
- ENGL 212 The Cinema: History and Criticism (3)
- ENGL 216 Introduction to African American Literature (3)
- ENGL 226 Survey of World Literature (3)
- ENGL 233 Survey of Non-Western Twentieth Century Literature (3)
- ENGL 234 Survey of Third-World Masterpieces (3)
- ENGL 241 Studying Southern Cultures and Literature (3)
- ENGL 290 Special Topics (3)
- ENGL 300 Special Topics: Pre-1800 Literature, Culture, and Rhetoric (3)
- ENGL 302 Shakespeare (3)
- ENGL 304 Chaucer (3)
- ENGL 306 Milton (3)
- ENGL 313 African American Literature (3)
- ENGL 314 The Sixteenth Century (3)
- ENGL 315 Black Women Writers (3)
- ENGL 317 The Seventeenth Century (3)
- ENGL 318 The Eighteenth Century (3)
- ENGL 319 Studies in Literary Theory (3)
- ENGL 320 Young Adult Literature (3)
- ENGL 321 The Romantic Period (3)
- ENGL 323 The Victorian Period (3)
- ENGL 325 Modern British Literature (3)
- ENGL 326 Irish Literature (3)
- ENGL 327 The British Novel I (3)
- ENGL 328 The British Novel II (3)
- ENGL 335 Modern Poetry (3)
- ENGL 336 Women Writers (3)
- ENGL 337 British Drama to 1642 (3)
- ENGL 339 Advanced Creative Writing (3)
- ENGL 340 Restoration and 18th Century Drama (3)
- ENGL 341 Literature of the American South, 1900-Present (3)
- ENGL 342 Literature of the American Revolution and Early Republic (3)
- ENGL 343 American Renaissance (3)
- ENGL 344 Late 19th Century American Literature (3)
- ENGL 345 Nineteenth-Century American Poetry (3)
- ENGL 346 Contemporary American Fiction (3)
- ENGL 349 American Novel to 1900 (3)
- ENGL 351 Studies in American Film (3)
- ENGL 352 Major African Writers (3)
- ENGL 353 African Women Writers (3)
- ENGL 356 American Novel, 1900-1965 (3)
- ENGL 357 Studies in Contemporary British Literature (3)
- ENGL 358 Colonial and Postcolonial British Literature (3)
- ENGL 359 American Poetry Since 1945 (3)
- ENGL 360 Special Topics: Major Literary Themes (3)
- ENGL 361 Special Topics: Literature in History Pre-1700 (3)
- ENGL 362 Special Topics: Literature in History 1700-1900 (3)
- ENGL 363 Special Topics: Literature in History 1900-Present (3)
- ENGL 364 Special Topics: Difference and Literary Tradition (3)
- ENGL 370 Special Topics: Major Literary Genres (3)
- ENGL 371 Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States (3)
- ENGL 375 Studies in Creative Writing (3)
- ENGL 390 Special Topics in Film (3)
- FRCS 101 French Culture: Global Perspectives (3)
- FRCS 102 Francophone Cultures: Global Perspectives (3)
- FREN 334 Interpreting Francophone Literature and Film (3)
- FREN 335 Interpreting French Literature and Film (3)
- FREN 336 Cultural Panorama of the Francophone World (3)
- FREN 337 Survey of French Culture and Civilization (3)
- GEOG 219 Reading the Lowcountry Landscape (3)
- GEOG 290 Special Topics in Humanities in Geography (3)
- GRMN 325 German Contemporary Issues (3)
- GRMN 326 German Media (3)
- GRMN 329 Current Issues in Germany or the German-Speaking World (3)
- GRMN 365 Introduction to Literature (3)
- GRMN 390 Special Topics in German (3)
- GRMN 468 Studies in Modern German Literature (3)
- GRMN 472 Studies in German Cinema (3)
- GRMN 490 Special Topics in German (3)
- GRST 122 Understanding German Business Culture (3)
- GRST 200 Special Topics in Contemporary German Culture (3)
- GRST 221 The African Diaspora in German-speaking Cultures (3)
- GRST 222 Global Cultures of Surveillance: Arts, Surveillance, and Disruptions in a Global Context (3)
- GRST 223 Global Avant-Gardes: Experimental Art and Performance in a Global Context (3)
- GRST 231 LGBTQ Berlin (3)
- GRST 270 Trends in Contemporary German Cinema (3)
- GRST 271 German Cinema in Exile: Film noir (3)
- GRST 371 Special Topics in German Cinema (3)
- HISP 250 Topics in Peninsular Studies (3)
- HISP 251 Topics in Latin American and/or Latinx Studies (3)
- HISP 252 Special Topics in Hispanic Studies (3)
- HIST 201 United States to 1865 (3)
- HIST 202 United States since 1865 (3)
- HIST 210 Special Topics in U.S. History (3)
- HIST 211 American Urban History (3)
- HIST 212 American Labor History (3)
- HIST 215 Native American History (3)
- HIST 216 African American History to 1865 (3)
- HIST 217 African American History since 1865 (3)
- HIST 218 The American West (3)
- HIST 219 Native Americans in Film (3)
- HIST 222 History of South Carolina (3)
- HIST 224 History of South to 1865 (3)
- HIST 225 History of South since 1865 (3)
- HIST 226 American Monsters: The History of American Horror Narratives (3)
- HIST 228 History of American Sexualities, 1600-2000 (3)
- HIST 229 History of Queer America, 1600-2000 (3)
- HIST 230 Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia (3)
- HIST 231 Ancient Greece (3)
- HIST 232 Ancient Rome (3)
- HIST 234 Early Middle Ages (3)
- HIST 235 High Middle Ages (3)
- HIST 241 Special Topics in Modern European History (3)
- HIST 242 History of Modern France (3)
- HIST 244 History of Germany 1866 to Present (3)
- HIST 247 Empire, Nation, Class in Eastern Europe (3)
- HIST 248 Witch-Hunts in Early Modern Europe (3)
- HIST 249 Witchcraft and Witch-Hunting in the Modern World (3)
- HIST 250 Special Topics in Comparative/Transnational History (3)
- HIST 251 The Modern City (3)
- HIST 252 Women in Europe (3)
- HIST 253 Special Topics in the History of War and Society (1-3)
- HIST 255 History of Reproduction in the Atlantic World (3)
- HIST 257 Tudor-Stuart Britain (3)
- HIST 261 Special Topics: Modern Asia, Africa, or Latin America (3)
- HIST 262 Colonial Latin America (3)
- HIST 263 Latin America since Independence (3)
- HIST 270 Special Topics in Pre-Modern History (3)
- HIST 272 Pre-Colonial Africa (3)
- HIST 273 Modern Africa (3)
- HIST 276 Islamic Civilization (3)
- HIST 277 Modern Middle East (3)
- HIST 291 Disease, Medicine, and History (3)
- HIST 301 Colonial America, 1585-1763 (3)
- HIST 302 Era of the American Revolution, 1763-1800 (3)
- HIST 304 History of the United States: Civil War and Reconstruction, 1845-1877 (3)
- HIST 310 Special Topics in U.S. History (3)
- HIST 320 Special Topics in Lowcountry History (3)
- HIST 323 Society and Culture of Early Charleston (3)
- HIST 335 Crusades (3)
- HIST 336 Italian Renaissance (3)
- HIST 337 Age of Reformation (3)
- HIST 341 Age of Enlightenment and Revolution (3)
- HIST 343 Europe Since 1939 (3)
- HIST 344 Modern European Cultural History (3)
- HIST 345 Modern German Cultural and Intellectual History (3)
- HIST 346 History of the Soviet Union (3)
- HIST 347 Special Topics in Modern European History (3)
- HIST 348 Everyday Communism (3)
- HIST 350 Special Topics in Comparative/Transnational History (3)
- HIST 357 Victorian Britain (3)
- HIST 361 Special Topics in Modern Asia, Africa, or Latin America (3)
- HIST 364 Sugar and Slaves in Colonial Brazil (3)
- HIST 370 Special Topics in Pre-modern History (3)
- HIST 403 Reading and Independent Study in History (3)
- HONS 170 Honors Intro to Philosophy (3) *
- HONS 172 Honors Introduction to Southern Studies (3) *
- HONS 173 Introduction to International Studies (3) *
- HONS 174 Honors Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies (3) *
- HONS 175 Approaches to Religion (3) *
- HONS 180 Honors Business and Consumer Ethics (3) *
- HONS 281 Special Topics in the Humanities (3-4) *
- HONS 381 Interdisciplinary Special Topics in the Humanities (3-4) *
- HPCP 199 Introduction to Historic Preservation (3)
- HPCP 275 History of Land Design (3)
- IIAS 201 Introduction to Irish and Irish American Studies (3)
- IIAS 304 Special Topics in Irish and Irish American Studies (3)
- INTL 100 Introduction to International Studies (3)
- ITAL 361 Survey of Italian Literature I (3)
- ITAL 362 Survey of Italian Literature II (3)
- ITAL 390 Special Topics in Italian (3)
- ITST 390 Special Topics in Italian Cultural Studies (In English) (3)
- JWST 201 Topics in Jewish Studies (3)
- JWST 220 History of Israel (3)
- JWST 225 The Jewish Tradition (3)
- JWST 230 The Holocaust (3)
- JWST 240 Jewish Philosophy (3)
- JWST 245 Introduction to Jewish-American Literature (3)
- JWST 300 Special Topics in Jewish Studies (3)
- JWST 305 Israeli Cinema (3)
- JWST 310 Topics in Jewish History (3)
- JWST 315 Southern Jewish History (3)
- JWST 320 Topics in American Jewish Culture (3)
- JWST 325 Jewish Mysticism (3)
- JWST 330 Representations of the Holocaust (3)
- JWST 335 Modern Jewish Politics (3)
- LACS 101 Introduction to Latin American and Caribbean Studies (3)
- LACS 103 Introduction to Contemporary Cuba (3)
- LACS 104 Introduction to Contemporary Chile (3)
- LACS 105 Introduction to Contemporary Brazil (3)
- LACS 106 Introduction to Contemporary Argentina (3)
- LATN 305 Medieval Latin (3)
- LATN 321 Cicero (3)
- LATN 322 Vergil (3)
- LATN 323 Roman Historiography (3)
- LATN 371 Roman Comedy (3)
- LATN 372 Roman Satire (3)
- LATN 373 Roman Biography (3)
- LATN 390 Special Topics (3)
- LTAR 220 Modern Arabic Fiction (3)
- LTAR 221 Islamic World Literature (in English Translation) (3)
- LTAR 250 Arabic Literature in (English) Translation (3)
- LTAR 270 Studies in Arab Cinema (3)
- LTAR 350 Arabic Literature in (English) Translation (3)
- LTAR 382 Arab Women Writers (3)
- LTCH 210 Traditional Chinese Literature in Translation (3)
- LTCH 220 Modern Chinese Literature in Translation (3)
- LTCH 250 Chinese Literature in (English) Translation (3)
- LTFR 150 French Literature in (English) Translation (3)
- LTFR 250 Francophone Literature in Translation (3)
- LTIT 250 Special Topics in Italian Literature in (English) Translation (3)
- LTIT 270 Introduction to Italian Cinema (3)
- LTIT 350 Special Topics in Italian Literature in (English) Translation (3)
- LTIT 370 Studies in Italian Cinema (3)
- LTJP 250 Japanese Literature in (English) Translation (3)
- LTJP 350 Japanese Literature in (English) Translation (3)
- LTJP 390 Special Topics (3)
- LTPO 150 Portuguese Literature in (English) Translation (3)
- LTPO 250 Portuguese Literature in (English) Translation: A Foreign Literature (3)
- LTPO 270 Studies in Brazilian Film (3)
- LTPO 280 Studies in Brazilian Civilization and Culture Through Literature (3)
- LTPO 350 Portuguese Literature in (English) Translation: a Foreign Author (3)
- LTRS 110 Russian Folktales in Translation (3)
- LTRS 120 Window into Russia: The Major People, Events, and Influences of Russia’s Cultural History (3)
- LTRS 170 Russian and Soviet Science Fiction (3)
- LTRS 210 19th Century Russian Literature in (English) Translation (3)
- LTRS 220 20th Century Russian Literature in (English) Translation (3)
- LTRS 250 Russian Literature in (English) Translation (3)
- LTRS 270 Studies in Russian Film (3)
- LTSP 250 Society, History and Culture in Spanish Literature (3)
- LTSP 252 Society, History and Culture in Spanish American Literature (3)
- MEDH 200 Introduction to Medical Humanities (3)
- MUSC 131 Music Appreciation (3)
- MUSC 222 Special Topics for Non-Majors (3)
- MUSC 223 History of Electronic Music: Electronica, Rock, and the Avant-Garde (3)
- MUSC 225 The Beatles and Musical Culture of the 1960s (3)
- MUSC 227 Broadway: The History of American Musical Theater (3)
- MUSC 230 Masterworks of Music Literature (3)
- MUSC 232 History of Popular Music in the United States (3)
- MUSC 233 World Music Cultures (3)
- MUSC 234 Music in Latin America (3)
- MUSC 280 Music as Culture (3)
- PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy (3)
- PHIL 105 Contemporary Moral Issues (3)
- PHIL 115 Critical Thinking (3)
- PHIL 150 Nature, Technology, and Society (3)
- PHIL 155 Environmental Ethics (3)
- PHIL 160 Ethics and Sports (3)
- PHIL 165 Philosophy of Sex and Gender (3)
- PHIL 170 Biomedical Ethics (3)
- PHIL 175 Business and Consumer Ethics (3)
- PHIL 185 Philosophy and Film (3)
- PHIL 198 Topics in Philosophy (3)
- PHIL 201 History of Ancient Philosophy (3)
- PHIL 202 History of Modern Philosophy (3)
- PHIL 203 Philosophy of Human Nature (3)
- PHIL 205 Existentialism (3)
- PHIL 206 Topics in Law and Morality (3)
- PHIL 207 Ethics (3)
- PHIL 208 Knowledge and Reality (3)
- PHIL 209 Political Philosophy (3)
- PHIL 210 Philosophy, Law, and the Arts (3)
- PHIL 234 Eastern Philosophy (3)
- PHIL 240 Jewish Philosophy (3)
- PHIL 245 Environmental Philosophy (3)
- PHIL 252 Topics in Continental Philosophy (3)
- PHIL 255 Philosophy of Religion (3)
- PHIL 260 Philosophy of Biology (3)
- PHIL 265 Philosophy of Science (3)
- PHIL 270 Philosophy of Law (3)
- PHIL 275 Feminist Theory (3)
- PHIL 280 Aesthetics (3)
- PHIL 282 Philosophy and Music (3)
- PHIL 285 Philosophical Issues in Literature (3)
- PHIL 290 Philosophy and the Cognitive Sciences (3)
- PHIL 298 Special Topics in Philosophy (3)
- RELS 101 Approaches to Religion (3)
- RELS 103 Death and the Afterlife (3)
- RELS 105 Introduction to World Religions (3)
- RELS 106 Religion and Violence (3)
- RELS 115 Religion and Society (3)
- RELS 120 Religion, Art, and Culture (3)
- RELS 185 Women and Religion (3)
- RELS 201 The Hebrew Bible: History and Interpretation (3)
- RELS 202 The New Testament: History and Interpretation (3)
- RELS 205 Sacred Texts of the East (3)
- RELS 210 Theories in the Study of Religions (3)
- RELS 220 Comparative Religious Ethics (3)
- RELS 223 Religions of the Ancient Near East (3)
- RELS 225 The Jewish Tradition (3)
- RELS 230 The Christian Tradition (3)
- RELS 235 The Islamic Tradition (3)
- RELS 240 The Buddhist Tradition (3)
- RELS 245 The Hindu Tradition (3)
- RELS 248 Religious Traditions of China and Japan (3)
- RELS 250 Religion in America (3)
- RELS 260 Native American Religions (3)
- RELS 270 African-American Religions (3)
- RELS 275 Religious Tradition and Scientific Inquiry (3)
- RELS 276 Religion and the Environment (3)
- RELS 280 Religion and Film (3)
- RELS 285 Religion and Feminism (3)
- RELS 298 Special Topics in Religious Studies (3)
- RUSS 390 Special Topics (3)
- RUST 200 Contemporary Russia (3)
- RUST 250 Vampires (3)
- RUST 300 Gender & Sexuality in Russian Culture (3)
- SOST 175 Religions in the U.S. South (3)
- SOST 200 Introduction to Southern Studies (3)
- SOST 241 Studying Southern Cultures and Literature (3)
- SPAN 320 Introduction to Textual Analysis (3)
- SPAN 333 Topics in Hispanic Cultures (3)
- SPOL 150 Music and the Arts in the Spoleto Festival USA (3)
- THTR 175 Art and Craft of Theatre (3)
- THTR 176 Theatre Appreciation (3)
- THTR 177 Acting for Everybody: Class for the Real World (3)
- THTR 212 History of American Theatre (3)
- THTR 214 Modern American and European Drama (3)
- THTR 218 20th Century Fashion (3)
- THTR 288 Selected Topics in Theatre I: Literature and Criticism (1-3)
- THTR 310 Theatre History & Literature to 1750 (3)
- THTR 311 Theatre History & Literature after 1750 (3)
- THTR 315 Feminist Theatre (3)
- THTR 316 African American Theatre (3)
- THTR 318 History of Fashion and Manners (3)
- THTR 321 Children’s Theatre (3)
- THTR 387 Contemporary Theatre (3)
- THTR 488 Selected Topics in Theatre II: Literature and Criticism (1-3)
- URST 398 Special Topics in Humanities (3)
- WGST 200 Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies (3)
- WGST 228 History of American Sexualities, 1600-2000 (3)
- WGST 229 History of Queer America, 1600-2000 (3)
- WGST 255 History of Reproduction in the Atlantic World (3)
*Students may take more than 6 credit hours of HONS courses toward the humanities requirement.
Student Learning Outcomes 1: Students model phenomena in mathematical terms. 2: When given a question, students apply models and establish conclusions. 3: Students demonstrate an understanding of the supporting theory apart from any particular application. Completion of MATH 120 or HONS 115 or transfer credit for any one of MATH 220 , MATH 221 , MATH 323 (anyone of which requires the comprehension of the content of MATH 120 /HONS 115 ); or 6 credit hours from the list of approved courses satisfying the math/logic general education requirement. Approved Courses Notes:
- Honors students can take the alternative course of HONS 115 in lieu of MATH 120 .
- Honors students can take the alternative course of HONS 215 in lieu of MATH 220 .
- Honors students can take the alternative course of HONS 217 in lieu of MATH 250 .
Natural Science
Student Learning Outcomes 1: Students apply physical/natural principles to analyze and solve problems. 2: Students explain how science impacts society. Complete 8 credit hours of an introductory or higher sequence (of which 2 credit hours must be earned in the accompanying laboratories) from the list of approved course sequences satisfying the natural science general education requirement. Approved Course Sequences Chemistry (CHEM) OR OR OR
Social Sciences
Student Learning Outcomes 1: Students can apply social science concepts, models or theories to explain human behavior, social interactions or social institutions. Complete 6 credit hours from the list of approved courses satisfying the social science general education requirement. Approved Courses Notes:
- Honors students can take the alternative course of HONS 168 in lieu of ANTH 202 .
- Honors students can take the alternative course of HONS 169 in lieu of ANTH 205 .
- Honors students can take the alternative course of HONS 200 in lieu of ECON 200 .
- Honors students can take the alternative course of HONS 211 in lieu of ECON 201 .
- Honors students can take the alternative course of HONS 165 in lieu of POLI 101 .
- Honors students can take the alternative course of HONS 166 in lieu of POLI 103 .
- Honors students can take the alternative course of HONS 163 in lieu of PSYC 103 .
- Honors students can take the alternative course of HONS 167 in lieu of SOCY 101 .