College of Charleston Catalog System College of Charleston Catalog System |

College of Charleston Catalog System
The Undergraduate Catalog, Graduate Catalog, and Student Handbook provide information related to study at the College of Charleston. Whether you are a prospective student or already enrolled, you can easily see what the College of Charleston has to offer!
Ready to Access a Catalog or Handbook?
Use left hand navigation pane or the drop-down box in the upper-right hand corner of this page to select the current catalog you wish to view. Current catalogs and previously archived catalogs in electronic format may be accessed through the navigation pane in the upper-left hand corner.
Catalog Icon Guide
Powered by Acalog™, our catalog management system contains several helpful features to assist you:
Program Planner: Plan It!
The Program Planner icon is located at the top of each major, minor, certificate, or graduate degree. Select this icon for a print-friendly version of the program requirement worksheet. Please review these requirements in consultation with an academic advisor. |
Add to My Personal Catalog: Save it!
The My Personal Catalog feature allows you to save course and program information in a personal space (similar to an online shopping cart) that you can access from any computer with Internet access. All you need to get started is your e-mail address. Start creating your personal catalog by clicking on the My Personal Catalog link at the bottom of the left navigation pane. After creating an account, add courses to your favorites by selecting the star icon located on the top right of each page. |
Print-Friendly Format: Print It!
Select this icon to generate a pop-up page formatted to neatly print. |
Help: Use It!
Help in using the catalog is readily available by clicking the help question mark icon at the top of each page. |