Mar 14, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog (As of 09-27-19) 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog (As of 09-27-19) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ATEP 375 Clinical Education Experience in Athletic Training (1 Hr./Level for 001, 2 Hr./Level for 002-005, Repeatable to 5 Required Levels)

This course is designed to provide candidates the opportunity to develop specific didactic competencies and clinical proficiencies in the area of athletic training. Emphasis will be placed on level-specific knowledge and clinical proficiency acquisition, development and demonstration. This course must be repeated four times in a progressive sequential order for a total of nine credits. Successful completion of the previous course (level) is required for enrollment in the subsequent course (level).
Prerequisite(s): ATEP 245 , acceptance into the Athletic Training Education Program, and successful completion of prior ATEP 375 level.
Course Frequency: Fall and Spring
Repeatable: For up to 9 credit hours.

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