Mar 14, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog (As of 09-27-19) 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog (As of 09-27-19) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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BIOL 397 Research Experience in Biology (0, Repeatable)

A student works under faculty supervision to learn a research method, to explore possible research topics or to continue an ongoing study. The faculty member helps the student to determine the course goals and objectives, and supervises the project. The student will provide a written report to the faculty at the end of the semester. Students will receive a grade of “S” (satisfactory) or “U” (unsatisfactory) for the course.
Prerequisite(s): Only biology majors may take a Zero Credit Research course. Permission of the instructor and approval of the department chair.
Co-requisite(s) or Prerequisite(s): MATH 250  or equivalent course in statistics or permission of instructor.
Course Frequency: Occasional

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