Feb 11, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog (As of 09-27-19) 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog (As of 09-27-19) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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BIOL 381 Internship (1-4)

Professional Biologist experience will be gained in a business, agency or other non-academic setting which employs biological scientists as professionals. Specific knowledge, skill and/or project learning objectives must be established prior to beginning the internship experience. One hour of credit will be awarded for each 40 contact hours completed.
Prerequisite(s): Only majors in the biology department may take this internship course. Minimum Biology GPA 2.500 and minimum cumulative GPA 3.000, junior or senior standing, BIOL 211 /BIOL 211D  and BIOL 305 . Permission of the instructor and department chair.
Course Frequency: Occasional
Repeatable: For up to 6 credit hours.
Restriction(s): Course cannot be applied to General Education, Major or minor requirements (BIOL 381 does not fulfill a 300-level course requirement).

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