Feb 07, 2025  
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog (As of 09-20-21) 
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog (As of 09-20-21) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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BIOL 611 Biometry (4)

A broad treatment of statistics concentrating on specific statistical techniques used in marine biological research. Topics covered include sampling procedures and analysis of distributions (binomial, poisson and normal), hypothesis testing and estimation with emphasis on analysis of variance and experimental design (Latin-square, nested, randomized block, and factorial), analysis of frequencies, regression, and correlation. Several nonparametric and multivariate methods that are pertinent to research in the marine biological science are also discussed. Emphasis is on application of statistical techniques and not theory; therefore, a knowledge of mathematics through calculus is expected. Lectures three hours per week; laboratory three hours per week.
Corequisite(s): BIOL 611L 
Course Frequency: Spring
Cross-listing: EVSS 624  

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