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Student Name:_______________________ Advisor Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog (As of 09-27-19)

Public Health, B.S.

Degree: Bachelor of Science
Credit Hours: 62+

In addition to completing the requirements for this major, students must also complete the degree requirements specified in the Academic Regulations section of this catalog.

Courses within this major may also satisfy general education requirements. Please consult the Liberal Arts and Sciences General Education Requirements for more information.

Required Courses

Course NameTerm TakenGrade
BIOL 111 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology (3)

Co-requisite(s) or Prerequisite(s): BIOL 111L 

BIOL 111L Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology Lab (1)

Co-requisite(s) or Prerequisite(s): BIOL 111


HONS 151 Honors Biology I (3)

Co-requisite(s): HONS 151L.

HONS 151L Honors Biology I Lab (1)

Co-requisite(s): HONS 151.


BIOL 112 Evolution, Form, and Function of Organisms (3)

Prerequisite(s): BIOL 111 and BIOL 111L

Co-requisite(s) or Prerequisite(s): BIOL 112L

BIOL 112L Evolution, Form, and Function of Organisms Lab (1)

Co-requisite(s) or Prerequisite(s): BIOL 112


HONS 152 Honors Biology II (3)

Co-requisite(s): HONS 152L.

HONS 152L Honors Biology II Lab (1)

Co-requisite(s): HONS 152.


BIOL 221 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4)

Prerequisite(s): BIOL 111/BIOL 111L, BIOL 112/BIOL 112L

BIOL 222 Human Anatomy and Physiology II (4)

Prerequisite(s): BIOL 221

HEAL 215 Introduction to Public Health (3)
HEAL 216 Personal & Community Health (3)
HEAL 230 Global Health (3)

Prerequisite(s): Some sections may be restricted only to declared Public Health majors or Health minors.

HEAL 257 Principles of Nutrition (3)
HEAL 325 Health Promotion (3)

Prerequisite(s): HEAL 215, HEAL 216, junior or senior standing

Co-requisite(s): HEAL 325L 

HEAL 325L Field Experience in Health Promotion (1)

Prerequisite(s): HEAL 215, HEAL 216, junior or senior standing

Co-requisite(s): HEAL 325 

HEAL 350 Epidemiology (3)

Prerequisite(s): HEAL 215 

HEAL 456 Biostatistics in Health Sciences (3)

Prerequisite(s): MATH 104 or MATH 250; HEAL 215, HEAL 350  

HEAL 460 Public Health Administration (3)

Prerequisite(s): HEAL 325/HEAL 325L or Permission of the Instructor


MATH 104 Elementary Statistics (3)

Prerequisite(s): Any 100-level MATH course or placement.


MATH 250 Statistical Methods I (3)

Prerequisite(s): MATH 105 with a C- or better or MATH 111 or MATH 120 or permission of instructor.


COMM 336 Addressing Problems in Context (3) *

Prerequisite(s): COMM 104 or COMM 280; COMM 214 or COMM 215; or department chair permission. A grade of C- or better must be earned for all prerequisite courses.


PBHL 336 Health Communication (3)

Prerequisite(s): HEAL 215, junior or senior standing; or department chair permission.


*When section covers Health Communication.

Complete at least 3 credit hours from the following:

Course NameTerm TakenGrade
HEAL 401 Independent Study (1-3)

Prerequisite(s): Permission of department and instructor.


HEAL 403 Health Internship (3-6)

Prerequisite(s): Senior standing, declared Public Health major, HEAL 325/HEAL 325L. Students are responsible for their own transportation to off campus internship sites.


HEAL 470 Public Health Research Design and Analysis (3)

Prerequisite(s): HEAL 456 and permission of the instructor

Select one of the following Health Policy courses:

Course NameTerm TakenGrade
POLI 210 Introduction to Public Administration (3)
POLI 211 Introduction to Public Policy (3)

Prerequisite(s): POLI 101 or permission of instructor

POLI 307 Environmental Policy (3)
POLI 308 Education Policy (3)
POLI 309 Health Policy (3)
SOCY 345 Social Policy (3)

Prerequisite(s): SOCY 101 or HONS 167 or SOCY 102.

SOCY 358 Living in an Organizational World (3)

Prerequisite(s): SOCY 101 or HONS 167 or SOCY 102.

URST 310 Urban Planning (3)
URST 320 Town and Country Planning (3)

Select one of the following Environmental courses:

Course NameTerm TakenGrade
ANTH 340 Medical Anthropology (3)
ENVT 200 Introduction to Environmental and Sustainability Studies (3)

Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.

HIST 291 Disease, Medicine, and History (3)

Prerequisite(s): EITHER HIST 115-HIST 116 OR any other combination of courses that satisfies the general education history requirement.

SOCY 340 Medical Sociology (3)

Prerequisite(s): SOCY 101 or HONS 167 or SOCY 102.

SOCY 344 Social Gerontology (3)

Prerequisite(s): SOCY 101 or HONS 167 or SOCY 102.

SOCY 346 Environmental Sociology (3)

Prerequisite(s): SOCY 101 or HONS 167 or SOCY 102.

PSYC 329 Environmental Psychology (3)

Prerequisite(s): PSYC 103.

Select one of the following Ethics courses:

Course NameTerm TakenGrade
COMM 315 Ethical Communication (3) *

Prerequisite(s): COMM 104 or COMM 280; COMM 214 or COMM 215 or COMM 216; or department chair permission. A grade of C- or better must be earned in all pre-requisite courses.

PHIL 155 Environmental Ethics (3)
PHIL 170 Biomedical Ethics (3)
PHIL 175 Business and Consumer Ethics (3)
PHIL 207 Ethics (3)


*When section covers Health Ethics

Select one of the following Elective courses:

Course NameTerm TakenGrade
HEAL 217 Human Sexuality (3)
HEAL 320 Special Topics in Health Education (3)
HEAL 323 Women’s Health Issues (3)
HEAL 442 Healthy Aging (3)

Prerequisite(s): Junior standing, BIOL 222, BIOL 221; or permission of the instructor or department chair

HMSM 302 Structure of the US Healthcare Delivery System (3)

Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or permission of the department

Coursework Meeting Major Requirements Excluded from the Major GPA Calculation

The following courses are excluded: MATH 104, MATH 250 

Notes: This worksheet is not intended to replace face-to-face advising.