Feb 15, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog (As of 06-29-20) 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog (As of 06-29-20) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

School of Languages, Cultures, and World Affairs


Phone: 843.953.5770
Timothy S. Johnson, Dean
Shawn Morrison, Associate Dean
Jim Melville, Associate Dean

Students who graduate with majors or minors from the School will have had direct experience with diverse societies, regions, and cultures. They will be able to communicate competently and confidently in at least one foreign language, be knowledgeable about world affairs and have holistic understanding of one or several cultures. At the College of Charleston, competence in a foreign language is considered fundamental to a liberal arts education and a means to attaining the global perspective required of 21st-century graduates. The language program at the College is one of the most comprehensive in the southeastern U.S., with in-depth majors in classical and modern languages, overseas study programs, specialized programs for future language professionals, and offerings in several less commonly taught languages. Depending on their level of ability in a foreign language upon admittance to the College, students may be required to take as many as four semesters of language study. In addition, the School’s interdisciplinary programs include a broad range of international, cultural and area studies majors and minors.

Mission Statement

The School of Languages, Cultures, and World Affairs prepares students to become knowledgeable, engaged citizens in an increasingly interconnected global society. The mission of the school requires students to critically examine themselves and their place in the world.

Literature in Translation/Culture Courses:

The College offers courses which, in English translation, provide access to the literature and culture of other peoples. They can be applied to the general education requirement in humanities, but not in to the foreign language requirement. Such courses are scheduled each semester in different areas and cultures, covering significant authors, literary works, and topics for Western Europe, Russia, China, Japan, Latin America, Africa, the Jewish, and the Arabic world. They are listed in this catalog along with languages pertinent to the particular culture. Consult the Schedule of Courses under each language for courses offered in any given semester.

Teacher Education Program:

After declaration of a major in Classics, French, German, or Spanish, students interested in teacher licensure in foreign language must meet with the director of licensure and clinical practice, School of Education, Health, and Human Performance, 843.953.5613. Students should apply for acceptance into this program no later than the second semester of their sophomore year.

Candidates in all languages must meet with Dr. Shawn Morrison, 404 J.C. Long Building, morrisonsh@cofc.edu, for additional information as soon as possible. Requirements include admission to and successful completion of the approved Teacher Education Program, passing score on PRAXIS II World Language Content Exam, passing score on the Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching exam, and, for majors in French, German, and Spanish, passing an oral proficiency interview with a rating of “Advanced Low.”


Student Learning Outcomes